Thursday, June 16, 2011

Halfway there (Amarillo, TX - Tucumcari, NM)

The journey from Amarillo to my next stop in Tucumcari was only a short one, but it had some main Route 66 sights along the way. You will already have seen the Cadillac ranch just outside Amarillo, and another key point is the MidPoint Cafe. This is at the town of Adrian in Texas which claims to be the middle point of Route 66. Now, over the years, distances change and whether it is or not is a moot point. But still, it was nice to mark it and I called in for some Apple Pie and Iced Tea.

Crossing the border to New Mexico there was a very helpful tourist information place and then a couple of miles on a truck stop which had a display of vintage cars. Mainly it was interstate driving again, with the landscape of wide open plains. A few mountains have come into view as well, but it is very dry (and still very hot!)

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